Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX. View directions
Contact: Cliona May
020 8726 6000
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chair welcomed the Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) Members present. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor David Wood, Chief Inspector Craig Knight, Superintendent Caroline Trevithick, Brian Udell, Elsie Sutherland and Lou Moultrie (Freedom Together representative). |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting PDF 92 KB To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2018 (copy attached) Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes from the meeting held on 14 March 2018 were agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Minutes: The SNB administrator read out the nominations.
Marzia Nicodemi had nominated Donna Murray-Turner as Chair, and Chukwunweike Etuka had seconded the nomination.
Andrew Brown had nominated Magdalene Adenaike as Vice-Chair, and Nadine Windley had seconded the nomination.
The SNB Administrator explained that no other nominations had been received for the Chair and Vice-Chair; therefore, according to the Terms of Reference, Donna Murray-Turner and Magdalene Adenaike were elected Chair and Vice-Chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Board respectively. |
Agreed Bids 2018/19 Minutes: The representative from SNARL introduced their bid application. In response to questions and queries raised by the Board the representative highlighted the following:
· The leaflets were designed to warn the local residents and to inform them what to do when dealing with an incident. It was important to inform local residents that the remains of an animal was considered as evidence to the police and should not be destroyed. · The leaflets were expensive and approximately 500,000 had been distributed by volunteers in the past two years. · The incidents were ongoing and there were approximately five cats, foxes and/or rabbits reported to be killed each week. · The Croydon Cat Killers’ approach was to hurt humans emotionally and SNARL offered emotional support to the animal owners. · If the Croydon Cat Killer was caught then SNARL would continue to run as an animal rescue centre.
The representative from Lives Not Knives introduced their bid application and showed a video that interviewed victims and their families that had been effected by knife crime. In response to questions and queries raised by the Board the representative highlighted the following:
· The funding would provide six week teaching packs for teachers to use during PSHE lessons and give relevant training. · Lives Not Knives have not received funding from the Safer Neighbourhood Board previously. · The organisation had run roadshows in the majority of primary schools within the Borough. · The resources being create would be suitable from years 5 – 9. · The charity was different to other local charities within the Borough as the material was created and presented by young people, through apprenticeships, who had been affected by knife crime. · Lives Not Knives were happy to be approached by other charities and organisations to establish a collaborative approach. · Feedback received through surveys after previous training had been positive from both students and teachers. · In previous years schools had paid an upfront fee to contribute to the training sessions; however, as funding had been cut schools were requesting costing relief. · If the Safer Neighbourhood Board agreed to fund less than the applied amount then they would not be able to provide as much as stated in the application form.
The representative from Growing Against Violence (GAV) introduced their bid application. In response to questions and queries raised by the Board the representative highlighted the following:
· Gang recruitment often started during the primary to secondary school transition period; therefore, the sessions were suitable from years 6 – 10. · It was important to de-myth that joining a gang would gain safety, money and glamour. · GAV were granted a bid by the SNB in 2017/18, have been funded by Croydon Council for four years and had recently received funding from the Evening Standard. · The organisation worked with third sector parties but had not linked with the smaller providers in the Borough. · GAV would ideally like long-term funding to deliver the program to all schools within the Borough. · If the applied for bid was fully granted the training would be provided to approximately ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Feedback from 2017/18 PDF 9 MB Minutes: The meeting became inquorate and therefore the feedback received from the organisations was not discussed. |
Any Other Business Minutes: There was none. |