Agenda item

6.1 17/02680/FUL 28-30 Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LP

Demolition of existing buildings including parking garage and redevelopment  of the sites for a part 9, 20 and 21 storey building comprising 153 residential dwellings (Class C3) and a single storey sub?station; hard and soft landscaping, cycle and car parking facilities; plant areas and other ancillary works.


Ward: Fairfield

Recommendation: Grant permission subject to a legal agreement


Demolition of existing buildings including parking garage and redevelopment of the sites for a part 9, 20 and 21 storey building comprising 153 residential dwellings (Class C3) and a single storey substation; hard and soft landscaping, cycle and car parking facilities; plant areas and other ancillary works

Ward: Fairfield


Following the officer’s presentation, officers explained that Pocket units are sold at 20% discount against the market rate.  For the first 3 months only Croydon residents with up to £45,000 income (officers negotiated to reduce it from £60,000) will be eligible to apply, after which the maximum income will be the Mayor’s threshold (currently £90,000). TfL has requested a contribution which will be at least £100,000.  The application is referable to the Mayor of London for final comment.


The applicant is to submit a marketing strategy explaining how they will market the units.  Officers are keen to ensure residents of Croydon can afford these units and are working with viability consultants.  There is a help to buy scheme and a Croydon worker with a salary of £33,000 would be able to afford one of these apartments.


There was a discussion about when the marketing will begin.  For the first 3 months, purchase will be for Croydon residents before it is opened London-wide.


Members queried issues of overshadowing, whether not exceeding 110 litres of water is realistic and how affordable and private accommodation will be located.  Officers assured Members that daylight & sunlight assessments had been done and window to window relationship would not cause any significant harm.  The water usage can be achieved.  The units are accessed off the same core with access to a communal lounge, bike store and terraces.  There are no issues in both affordable and private being side by side.


Officers assured Members that the units are designed to meet the London Plan for 1 bed 1 person units.  They comply with the standards, with external and internal amenity spaces.  Pocket Living will retain the freehold and continue to manage their developments.


With regard to an air quality question, officers explained that the whole of Croydon is an Air Quality management area.  There is new guidance and the applicant has to make a contribution.


Members who had visited a similar development commented that the size of flats felt reasonably generous and were well laid out. 


The Chair queried the need for a full size mock up to be built and officers indicated that this could be amended.  The Head of Development Management explained that the reason for it is to ensure tall buildings are of exemplar quality.



Mr Paul Jess (Pocket Living) spoke on behalf of the applicant and highlighted the following:

·         Strict eligibility criteria - must live in borough and be a first time buyer

·         6 months marketing will take place before practical completion


Joseph Wicking - first time buyer, living in Croydon also spoke in support of the application:

·         Want to buy own home - currently living at home

·         This development will be a huge benefit to local residents who want to remain part of the community

·         It is the best opportunity to get on the housing ladder


The Head of Development Management further explained that this application was brought to Committee as being very interesting in terms of affordable housing.  It is reflective of a range of affordable housing products which are looking at different types of housing needs.  The room sizes are within the Mayor of London’s standards.


After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Jamie Audsley proposed and Councillor Chris Wright seconded the officer's recommendation and the Committee voted unanimously in favour (10), so planning permission was GRANTED for development at 28-30 Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LP.

Supporting documents: