To consider the recommendations made by Cabinet or Committees since the last ordinary Council meeting relating to the following matters:
(i) Report in the Public Interest – Quarter 2 Update
(ii) Community Safety Strategy
(iii) 2022/23 Budget and Three-Year Medium Term Financial Strategy
(iv) Croydon Local Plan Review – publication of the Proposed Submission draft
(v) The Gambling Act 2005 – Review of London Borough of Croydon Statement of Principles
The recommendations were put to the vote and were unanimously carried.
RESOLVED:Council AGREEDthe recommendations in the report below:
1.1 Note and agree on the progress the Council has made in regard to achieving the recommendations set out by external auditor in the Report in the Public Interest in Appendix 2 [Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report] with 62 out of 99 actions complete;
1.2 Note the outcome of the first tranche of work to properly evidence what has been achieved so far following the initial internal audit of actions delivered to provide full assurance to members and residents on the changes achieved;
1.3 Agree the Refreshed Action Plan including actions marked complete, progress updates against open actions and identification of actions to be embedded going forward as business as usual.
The recommendation was put to the vote and was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED:Council AGREEDthe recommendation in the report below:
1.4 To adopt the Community Safety Strategy, Appendix 5 [Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report].
The recommendation was put to the vote and was carried.
RESOLVED:Council AGREEDthe recommendation in the report below:
1.5 To approve the growth and savings schedules included at Appendix 7 [Appendix 1 of the Cabinet Report] as part of the budget approval process. To note that officers will commence planning for the implementation from April 2022 where appropriate, but that any such proposals are subject to approval at February Council.
The recommendations were put to the vote and were carried.
RESOLVED:Council AGREEDthe recommendations in the report below:
1.6 Approve the submission of the Proposed Submission draft of the Croydon Local Plan review (Appendix 1) to the Secretary of State following the conclusion of the statutory 6-week publication period in accordance with Section 20(1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004;
1.7 Delegate the agreement of any Main Modifications required by the appointed Planning Inspector to make the Croydon Local Plan Review sound to the Cabinet Member for Culture and Regeneration, in consultation with the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration;
1.8 Delegate the publication of any Main Modifications required by the appointed Planning Inspector for formal consultation to the Cabinet Member for Culture and Regeneration, in consultation with the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration; and
1.9 Delegate minor modifications and factual corrections (that are not required to make the draft Croydon Local Plan Review sound) to the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture and Regeneration.
The recommendation was put to the vote and was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED:Council AGREEDthe recommendation in the report below:
To adopt the Statement of Principles in Appendix 11 [Appendix 5 to the Licensing Committee report].
Supporting documents: