Agenda item

5.1 Coulsdon Schemes

Erection of 157 residential units consisting five individual sculpted pavilions sitting within a landscaped area with 52 residential car parking spaces, 100 space public car park, cycle stores, refuse stores, landscaping and public realm works, access and other associated works.

17/02536/PRE  CALAT Centre, Malcolm Road, Coulsdon CR5 2DB

Creation of a new community hub consisting enhanced community centre with theatre and NHS health facility, together with associated parking

17/02589/PRE  Coulsdon Community Centre, Chipstead Valley, Coulsdon CR5 3BE

Relocation of existing Coulsdon Community Centre (CCC) to the former CALAT site and redevelopment of the land to provide 33 residential units and associated parking

Ward: Coulsdon West



Ward: Coulsdon West


(a)          17/02536/PRE CALAT Centre, Malcolm Road, Coulsdon CR5 2DB

Creation of a new community hub consisting enhanced community centre with theatre and NHS health facility, together with associated parking


Colm Lacey (Brick-by-Brick Croydon Ltd) and Helen Reid (Pitman Tozer, architects for CALAT and Coulsdon Community Centre sites) attended to give the presentations and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


·         Is adequate provision made for parking?

·         Contemporary vs traditional approach to theatre building

·         Relationship between NHS and re-provided CCC needs to work

·         Need to ensure space works for CCC

·         Zodiac gym needs relocation

·         Energy requirements important

·         Parking and disabled provision

·         Need NHS to show commitment to scheme

·         Ensuring the healthcare facility designation secured

·         A keenness to see community facilities coming into the town centre and the NHS hub to be provided


(b)          17/02589/PRE Coulsdon Community Centre, Chipstead Valley, Coulsdon CR5 3BE

Demolition of existing building and redevelopment for residential units to provide 22 3-bed houses and 3 2-bed bungalows


Colm Lacey (Brick-by-Brick Croydon Ltd) and Helen Reid (Pitman Tozer, architects for CALAT and Coulsdon Community Centre sites) attended to give the presentations and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


           Releasing site for 33 houses supported

           Support for development design – interesting scheme

           Linear form of development – can be challenging

           Will the garages actually be utilised?

           Potential for car ports over garages

           Reasonable amount of parking proposed

           The importance of a balance between sufficient parking and houses and other community facilities which are desperately needed


(c)          17/00054/PRE  Car Park, Lion Green Road, Coulsdon CR5 2NL

Erection of 157 residential units consisting five individual sculpted pavilions sitting within a landscaped area with 52 residential car parking spaces, 100 space public car park, cycle stores, refuse stores, landscaping and public realm works, access and other associated works.


Colm Lacey (Brick-by-Brick Croydon Ltd) and Mary Duggan (Mary Duggan Associates) attended to give the presentations and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:

·         Importance of mixed and balanced communities

·         Landscaping – is it public or private

·         Archaelogical surveys needed

·         Impacts on SAM

·         Parking a real concern

·         Tree planting encouraged

·         Children’s play space required

·         Potential for overlooking to Lion Green Road

·         Soft landscaped edge interesting

·         Welcomed the design 

·         50% affordable support

·         Challenge of residential vs parking

·         Could more parking be provided on the site

·         Lack of retail provision on the site 

·         Need for family units


The Chair, Councillor Paul Scott emphasised the following points for consideration in relation to the 3 overall sites:


·         Will the facilities provided be adequate for the community uses now and for the future?

·         Ensuring the healthcare facility designation secured

·         Onsite parking and the wider impact

·         Important to look at parking across the 3 sites

·         Suitability of a more modern design

·         Linkages for the shared spaces

·         Look forward to application submissions


Councillor Jeet Bains, ward Member for Coulsdon West, raised the following concerns expressed by local residents:

·         No objection to facilities for families and people of all affordabilities.

·         Importance of local needs being understood. 

·         Issue of parking:  It is a popular shopping area and the status must be retained. An independent traffic expert should check the details. 

·         Cane Hill impacts must be factored into Transport Assessments

·         Concern about approval with too little parking provision.  People will buy cars whether parking is provided or not.  The parking issue must not be compromised.

·         Linkage between the sites needs careful planning as the community centre is distinct, with a historical background.  Links must not be only on the pretext of providing more housing.


At 7:35pm there was a short break.

Supporting documents: