Agenda item

6.1 16/02577/P Normanton Park Hotel, 34-36 Normanton Road, South Croydon CR2 7AR

Demolition of existing hotel; erection of a two/three storey building with accommodation in roofspace comprising 10 one bedroom, 16 two bedroom and 3 three bedroom flats (29 flats); provision of 25 car parking spaces at rear with access off Whitmead Close and associated refuse storage and cycle storage

Ward: Croham

Recommendation: Grant permission


Demolition of existing hotel; erection of a two/three storey building with accommodation in roof space comprising 10 one bedroom, 16 two bedroom and 3 three bedroom flats (29 flats); provision of 25 car parking spaces at rear with access off Whitmead Close and associated refuse storage and cycle storage

Ward: Croham


Members raised questions about the amount of community space, a designated children’s play area, parking overprovision and disabled bays.


Officers explained that there was a substantial area of community space within the grounds but no designated children’s play area.  At the present time, there is no policy requirement but there could be a condition identifying an area for children's play space.


Mr Paul Waddell spoke in objection, representing Witney Close residents, and raised the following concerns:

·         Dozens of Witney Close residents feel this development will have an unacceptable impact on local residents

·         The size of the development will dominate the skyline – it is an overdevelopment

·         Residents would support a more sympathetic development

·         Flats with higher balconies will overlook Witney Close

·         TPOs - provide huge amenity value and screen residents in Witney Close - removal would impact

·         Witney Close is a small estate with 36 properties and it is heavily parked

·         Access on Normanton Road rather than Witney Close would be preferable

·         It is a pity it is for residential not educational development, as there is a lack of school places in the area    


Mr Donal Farrelly (Senior Planner, Stiles Harold Williams Partnership LLP) spoke as the agent, on behalf of the applicant and highlighted the following points:

·         The demolition of the hotel will be replaced by residential

·         Affordable housing viability was carried out and agreed – it is supported and meets planning policy

·         The car park will incorporate boundary treatment

·         There is adequate parking in the local area

·         Ecological survey was done and appropriate mitigation taken to safeguard protected species


Councillor Michael Neal, ward Member for Croham, spoke in objection, on behalf of local residents and made the following points:

·         It is an overdevelopment

·         It will have a detrimental impact on residents in Witney Close and Normanton Road

·         Parking in the area is at a premium

·         The rear car park will impact on neighbouring properties

·         There is concern about TPO trees

·         The loss of trees (18) and hedgerows is detrimental to the area

·         There needs to be a condition to ensure tree planting will replace the loss of trees

He asked the Committee to refuse on the grounds of noise, disturbance and overlooking.


The Director of Planning & Strategic Transport highlighted that the development as policy compliant, included 13 family units and the design was well considered. Any concerns about validation of certificates for the planning application should be taken up with the planning department but were not for this Committee to consider.


Members raised the following issues:

·         It is clearly a development site

·         The impact of parking and access at the rear will have a detrimental impact with the loss of trees

·         Access to public transport is not good in this area and the site is at the top of a fairly steep hill

·         This is a bigger site than most of the other sites developed in the area and a residential development will help towards meeting housing need

·         All grade A and B trees will be retained. 

·         There is a significant buffer between existing residents in Witney Close and the new proposal. 

·         The primary school has not come forward to say they want to use part of the land. 


After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Jason Perry proposed and Councillor Richard Chatterjee seconded REFUSAL, on the grounds of overdevelopment by dint of size and massing, the impact on adjoining occupiers in Witney Close and the loss of opportunity for school provision in the future, and the Committee voted 4 in favour, 6 against, so this motion thereby fell.


The Committee then voted on a second motion for APPROVAL, proposed by Councillor Paul Scott and seconded by Councillor Bernadette Khan, 6 in favour, 4 against, so planning permission was GRANTED for development at Normanton Park Hotel, 34-36 Normanton Road, South Croydon CR2 7AR.

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