To consider the draft pay policy statement 2022/23 for recommendation to full Council for adoption.
The Committee considered the report of the Chief People Officer. During debate, Members noted that:
i) From 1 November 2021, Chief Officers had been moved from spot salaries to a new pay grade structure;
ii) That Full Council would be asked to approve the pay policy statement at its budget meeting;
iii) That the Government had previously introduced an exit pay cap of £95,000 (including pensions strain) that had subsequently been revoked. The Government was reviewing that position;
iv) That the pay ratio between the lowest and highest paid members of staff was 1:9 compared to a national local government average of 1:10; and
v) That while the pay policy statement set out daily pay rates for senior interim staff, wherever possible such interim staff were appointed on fixed term contracts.
In consideration of the statement, Members noted that the Council’s Constitution delegated authority to the Committee to determine in respect of severance packages, whether any severance package above the specified threshold of £100,000 should be referred to Full Council for decision.
The Committee requested that officers undertake research into options for how any such future severance packages can be presumed to be presented to Full Council for decision, while ensuring that there are no avoidable delays to exit processes and with specific regard to what information can be made available to all Councillors when considering any such decisions.
Following debate, the Committee RESOLVED:
1 To recommend to Council that it adopt the annual pay policy statement for 2022/23; and
2 That the Committee be presented with a report at a future meeting detailing options for the consideration of any severance packages above £100,000.
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