Agenda item

6.3 17/03889/FUL 59 Upper Shirley Road, Croydon CR0 5HE

Demolition of existing building and erection of two storey building with part basement and accommodation in roof space comprising of 6 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats. Formation of 7 car parking spaces, cycle and refuse stores

Ward: Heathfield

Recommendation: Grant permission


Demolition of existing dwelling: erection of three storey building comprising 7 two bedroom flats and 2 three bedroom detached houses at rear formation of vehicular access and provision of associated parking, bicycle and refuse

storage facilities

Ward: Waddon


Members questioned the character of the area, the height of the building and the lack of community space.


Officers explained that there are several large family houses in the immediate vicinity but the wider area has had recent permissions for flatted developments, so there is a mixture of character.  The properties fronting the street have entrances onto the street, but most of the flats are accessed from the side. Amenity space is provided by recessed balconies.  Although there is no private space, there is space at the front, which could be conditioned to be private for unit 1.


There was some discussion around the PTAL (public transport access links).  Currently, as the PTAL increases, the London Plan seeks higher density.  However, the new London Plan is challenging the whole issue of the density matrix - whether it is helpful or should be looked at in a different way.


Mr Clive Higgins, a local resident, spoke in objection and raised the following concerns:

·         His rear garden is the other side of the rear boundary of the development and will cause loss of privacy and adverse intrusion

·         Balconies are overlooking without screening

·         The car park is close to the garden, which will cause noise, disturbance and light intrusion into bedrooms at night

·         4 large oak trees plus others will be removed and there is no requirement for more trees


Mr Yussuf Mwanza (MZA Planning) spoke as the agent, on behalf of the applicant and highlighted the following points:

·         It is a high quality, sustainable scheme

·         It complies with housing standards


Councillor Andy Stranack, ward Member for Heathfield, spoke in objection, on behalf of local residents and made the following points:

·         There is a significant amount of concern amongst local residents

·         Residents recognise the need for additional housing and are not opposing the development but highlighting areas of greatest concern

·         The rear garden of no.39 will face lounges and kitchens looking onto bedrooms - a higher level of screening around first floor balconies is needed

·         During the construction period there are concerns about disruption and danger to pupils at Coloma School.  The bus stop is directly opposite the entrance to the site and there is very little parking restriction along the road, so the site will be dangerous

He recommended the Committee to defer the application in order to visit the site.


The Director of Planning & Strategic Transport summarised as follows:

·         It is an efficient use of land, providing family homes.

·         It will safeguard the green belt.

·         It is in keeping as there is varied character in the area. 

·         Under the new London Plan, it is proposed to get rid of the density matrix. 

·         Any overlooking is considered appropriate in an urban setting. 

·         Regarding highways impact, the bus stop is on the opposite side of the road and highway officers are satisfied that impact on the highway is negligible.


Members raised the following issues:

·         Overlooking – although reasonable distances separate the development from the property at the rear (20 metres), there is scope for semi-obscured glass in the balustrade to the rear.

·         A landscaping condition would ensure sufficient screening by the car parking – maybe a fence

·         A management plan should ensure there is no conflict during construction

·         Parking within the site is welcome


After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Humayun Kabir proposed and Councillor Paul Scott seconded the officer's recommendation and the Committee voted 6 in favour, 4 against, so planning permission was GRANTED for development at 59 Upper Shirley Road, Croydon CR0 5HE.


A second motion for DEFERRAL, for a site visit to look at highways issues, parking and density, proposed by Councillor Richard Chatterjee and seconded by Councillor Luke Clancy, thereby fell.

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