Agenda item

Children's Social Care Placement Sufficiency & Update on South London Commissioning Programme

This report provides an update on the progress of the South London Commissioning Programme and Sufficiency Strategy.


The Corporate Parenting Panel considered the Children’s Social Care Placement Sufficiency & Update on South London Commissioning Programme, which provided an update on work undertaken by the South London Commissioning Partnership, which sought to address, and collaboratively respond to a number of commissioning workstreams for Children and Young People. The report also contained an update on the commissioning teams intentions to refresh the accommodation and sufficiency strategy. It also contained a summary of the strategic priorities of the programme for the period 2022-23. The Panel received a short presentation overview from Kerry Crichlow, Director Quality, Commissioning & Performance (Deputy DCS).


In summary, the Panel heard that:


-        In 2013, the Department for Education (DfE) awarded Croydon funding which aimed at testing out the proof of concept for successful commissioning and alliance alongside with other boroughs with Croydon as the host for this partnership.

-        Since 2013, the DfE funding had fallen out and was now based on subscription with two elements, homes for children in care and special educational needs (with providers).

-        There were enough decent quality homes for young people.

-        There were now five local authorities that was part of the partnership.

-        There were delivery priorities for 2022/23 and what the future held for the South London Commissioning Programme.

-        An outlined timeline for the accommodation strategy was streamlined.

-        The young children were the centre of this work, which reflected on what was seen as good through their eyes.


The Director Quality, Commissioning & Performance (Deputy DCS) further addressed that the service aimed for young people to be involved in making the service better.


Panel Members thanked the officers for the annual report which was a huge improvement. The future priorities were also welcomed.


In response to queries raised by the Panel, the Head of Children in Care and Care Experienced Young People clarified the following:


In relation to the timeline for the sufficiency strategy to be completed, the service was working towards the end of March 2023. The team were working for a more detailed project plan, and there was more engagement with adults and young people. The process to this was to discuss the work with the Chair and E.M.P.I.R.E for a more inclusive positioning and setting out Croydon providers and organisations to work with.  


In relation to the service consulting with social workers and personal advisors who worked with young people residing in the provided homes, the Panel was informed that there were various conversations with partners which included seeking other services that would form a view for young people. The service was seeking to take a more robust view in how information was triangulated for where differences could be made for a more accurate view.


During the consideration of the recommendations, the Panel discussed the following:


The importance of young people being part of the consultation, with the inclusion of young people with diverse background, challenging need, and complex behaviours to be supported. There were a number of opportunities to engage and build relationships with young people at different stages and ensure that their voices were important, additionally having a safe person to work with them and share their needs.


The importance of listening to young people through their reviews, feedback and voices, and support children in the homes they reside in. Further the sufficiency strategy would also review children with complex needs that were deemed high risk.


The Panel RESOLVED to:


1.     Note the updates and progress of the South London Commissioning Programme and the strategic priorities of the programme for 2022-23.




2.   Note the update of the refresh of the accommodation and sufficiency strategy for children looked after and the associated timescales for this workstream.


Supporting documents: