Agenda item

LICENSING ACT 2003 - Application for a Premises Licence at Addington Park, Croydon, CR0 5AR.

The Sub-Committee is asked to determine whether to grant the application for a premises licence at Addington Park, Croydon, CR0 5AR.


The Licensing Sub-Committee considered the Application for a time limited Premises Licence at Addington Park Croydon CRO 5AR and the representations received as contained in the report of the Corporate Director, Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery as well as the supplementary information provided prior to the hearing.


The Sub-Committee also considered the representations made on behalf of the Applicant, several objectors and a Ward Councillor during the hearing. The Sub-Committee noted that although some of the objectors were not present at the hearing, they had the benefit of the written representations as part of the report and supplementary information and had regard to them in their decision making.


The Sub-Committee, having reference to the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”), the Statutory Guidance under S182 of the Act and the Council Licensing Policy, RESOLVED to GRANT the application on the basis that the Sub-Committee were satisfied that it would be appropriate to promote the licensing objectives to do so. The application as granted is subject to the conditions offered by the applicant in their operating schedule, and to the mandatory conditions which are imposed under the Licensing Act 2003.


The reasons of the Sub-Committee were as follows:


1.     The Sub-Committee noted that the applicant had sought to engage with and address concerns which had been raised by residents. It was noted that during the hearing, the Applicant addressed the issues which were raised by those making representations, and addressed the questions of the sub-committee members.


2.     The Sub-Committee noted there was no objection from the Police, and therefore it was reasonable to conclude the Police were satisfied with the application from a crime and disorder and public safety perspective.


3.     There were no representations before the Sub-Committee from the Noise nuisance team objecting to the proposals. The testing and setting of the volume levels will be taking place prior to the event and this will be undertaken with a member of the Council’s Noise Nuisance team in attendance.


4.     The Sub-Committee were clear that there were a number of matters in respect of which issues had been raised but which were not within the authority of the Sub-Committee under the Licensing Act 2003 but were instead governed by other regimes – this included in relation to traffic management and parking in neighbouring streets, and littering and anti-social behaviour in the local area. Despite this, the Sub-Committee noted that the applicant had arranged for shuttle-bus services to the premises, and intended to arrange for car parking at nearby school premises, that parking permits bearing individual codes would be issued to residents, and that if an individual parked in an unauthorised manner, they would be refused access to the premises. In addition, as part of the stewarding arrangements, the applicant will provide a highly trained, emergency response team to deal with any reported incidents of aggression. In addition, the permits provided to residents will have a contact number for the applicant’s complaints team, and that number will be staffed during the events, so that issues raised can be addressed as efficiently and effectively as possible. The applicant also agreed to liaise with Parking Services at the Council as regards any parking enforcement measures which might be appropriate.


5.     In respect of prevention of public nuisance objective, the Sub-Committee were reassured by the proposals to remove litter and waste, which was proposed on both event days, and on the day after with a view to ensuring that nuisance wasn’t created by this means.


6.     The Sub-Committee had regard to the Statement of Licensing Policy which provides that in its role of implementing local authority cultural strategies, the Council recognises the need to encourage and promote the broadest possible range of entertainment, particularly live music, dance, street arts and theatre, for the wider cultural benefits of the community. In considering applications for such events, this cultural need will be carefully balanced against possible neighbourhood disturbance so that, when determining what conditions to attach to licences/certificates to promote the licensing objectives, the Council will be aware of the need to avoid measures which might deter such events by imposing substantial indirect costs. In addition, these provisions mirror similar provisions in the Statutory guidance which provides that Licensing authorities should avoid inappropriate or disproportionate measures that could deter events that are valuable to the community, such as live music.


7.     The Sub-Committee were aware of, and had reference to the Statutory Guidance which provides that, beyond the immediate area surrounding the premises, these are matters for the personal responsibility of individuals under the law. An individual who engages in antisocial behaviour is accountable in their own right but despite this, the Sub-Committee noted the arrangements which the applicant proposed to address concerns which had been raised by residents around anti-social behaviour once attendees left the event – this included stewards, and the dedicated contact details for residents mentioned above to alert the applicant to issues.


8.     The Sub-Committee noted that the event is only accessible via tickets purchased in advance and would not be open to under 18’s and all patrons would have to show appropriate identification to enter the premises. In addition, the applicant would be operating Challenge 25 scheme on the premises. The Sub-committee also noted that the targeted demographic of attendees was 28yrs+, so a slightly older demographic.


9.     The sub-Committee also noted the number of SIA staff which the applicant proposed to have deployed at the premises (at a ratio of 1:50 SIA staff to attendees which is significantly higher than the national standard of 1:100 or 1:75) to ensure public safety but who would also support the objectives of prevention of crime and disorder and prevention of public nuisance.


10.The Sub-Committee wished to thank all participants for the manner in which they engaged with and supported the hearing in providing information to allow the Sub-Committee’s consideration.

Supporting documents: