Agenda item

Cost of Living Crisis Review

The Scrutiny & Overview Committee is asked to review the information gathered from its preliminary meetings with Community Groups and Council officers.


The Committee considered a report set out in both the agenda and the accompanying supplement, summarising the feedback received from two meetings it had held to investigate the impact of the cost of living crisis upon the borough. The first meeting had invited local community leaders and representatives from the community and voluntary sector to share their experience of the impact from the rising cost of living. The second meeting was with council officers whose services had direct contact with residents.

Feedback from the meeting with community and voluntary sector groups found a number of common issues for residents around engaging with the Council, such as digital exclusion financial literacy and general illiteracy. There was also concern from the organisation about their own ability to continue to provide support given rising costs and agreed that a greater level of communication between themselves and the Council was needed to maximise the support provided to residents in the borough. A fully summary of both meetings can be found in the agenda for this meeting.

The Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Jason Cummings, agreed that the cost of living crisis was impacting upon everyone and highlighted that it was those with the least options who were being hit hardest. Although the Council had a role to play in supporting residents, particularly through connecting people to support, the scale of the issue was such that further intervention from the national Government was required. The Council needed to ensure it was delivering the best outcomes it could as efficiently as possible.

Members of the Corporate Management Team were also in attendance at the meeting and provided their initial feedback to the findings of the Committee. It was acknowledged that digital exclusion was a big issue, and the contact centre was being reviewed to make it easier for residents to get in contact with the Council. The library service provided free access to computers and printing, with 3,800 hours available per week. Library staff were also able to provide practical support such as help with setting up email addresses, preparing job applications and assisting with other applications. Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT) also worked to promote digital literacy and exclusion including providing laptops for those who were unable to afford them.

It was highlighted that the Council’s website had been updated to ensure that information about the support available was easily located from the frontpage of the site. This page also signposted to other organisations that may be able to provide support. It was agreed that this webpage was both useful and comprehensive.

It was noted that the Household Support Fund was available online, however concern was raised, based on anecdotal reports, about the Council’s use of enforcement to collect Council Tax arrears. Assurance was provided to the Committee that the use of enforcement was on hold, with support provided instead wherever possible.

It was acknowledged that there were always more ways in which the Council could engage with the voluntary sector, and the new administration had been clear that it wanted to see improvement in this area. The Community Fund only made up 10% of the funding invested into the sector by the Council, with the vast majority delivered through outcomes-based commissioning. The level of support provided to organisations with the bidding process was an area that would be improved.

In concluding this item, the Committee agreed that the scale of the cost of living crisis was such that it would be impossible for them to be able to scrutinise it in one meeting. Instead, it was agreed that specific areas highlighted, such as digital exclusion, the Council’s relationship with the voluntary sector and the rising cost of fuel would be scheduled into the work programme throughout the year.

Resolved: That items related to the cost of living crisis would be added to the Scrutiny Work Programme for review throughout the year.


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