Agenda item

21/06018/FUL - 6 Oscar Close

Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of two pairs of three bed semi's with associated parking, refuse and recycling stores and cycle stores and private amenity space.


Ward: Purley and Woodcote

Recommendation: Grant permission


Ward: Purley and Woodcote


Joe Sales, Planning Officer (Planning and Sustainable Regeneration), presented the application highlighting that:


·       The proposed development was to replace a five bedroom property with two pairs of semi-detached dwellings;

·       There was a low risk of flooding in the area;

·       The proposed development site was located 800 metres from the closest train station;

·       The proposed development site was in a cul-de-sac;

·       There was a tree preservation area next to the site and the proposed development would protect the tree root protection area, and that biodiversity enhancements would be secured in the conditions of the plan;

·       The proposed development provided four extra car parking spaces;

·       The proposed development was designed to match the traditional architectural style of the existing properties in the cul-de-sac.


The sub-committee heard one representation for and two representations against the application, which made the following points:


·       The residents of Oscar Close had been inconvenienced over a long period of time by a high number of other developments on nearby roads;

·       That the current building was very young at only 15 years old, and that the carbon emissions that would result from demolishing and redeveloping the site would not be mitigated against by installing solar panels;

·       Whilst the build was ongoing machinery and service vehicles would block the road preventing access for residents, many of whom were young families;

·       An elderly resident had been hospitalised due to stress from the ongoing developments in the area;

·       There was not a housing need in the area to justify building new properties on the site.



After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Sherine Thampi proposed and Councillor Kabir seconded the officer's recommendation, on the grounds that the considerations of the objectors could not be taken into account when deciding this application, and the Committee voted unanimously in favour, so planning permission was GRANTED for development at 6 Oscar Close.




1.     That the Planning Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission

2.     That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to issue a Grant of planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives:-

1.     Development to be implemented within three years.

2.     In accordance with the approved plans. Pre-Commencement Conditions

3.     Submission of Construction Logistics Plan to Council for approval prior to commencement of demolition/construction works. Pre-Commencement Conditions (except for demolition and below slab level works)

4.     Material and details to be submitted

5.     Full details of soft and hard landscaping, including new tree planting and biodiversity enhancements and boundary treatment to be submitted for approval and retained as appropriate thereafter. Pre-Occupation Conditions

6.     Electric charging point/s for car parking and cycle storage

7.     Details of refuse and cycle storage to be submitted

8.     Development to meet energy efficiency/carbon reduction targets as appropriate. Compliance Conditions

9.     Parking areas to be retained.

10. Implementation and adherence to actionable measures of Flood Risk Assessment submitted with application.

11. Implementation and adherence to actionable measures of Fire Strategy

12. Development to meet 110 litre per person/day water use target.

13. No windows/openings to be provided to flank elevation other than as shown on approved plans.

14. Flank windows to be obscurely glazed

15. Any other planning condition(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport. Informatives

1.     Community Infrastructure Levy

2.     Code of practice for Construction Sites

3.     Highways informative in relation to s278 and s38 works required

4.     Compliance with Building/Fire Regulations

5.     Any other informative(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport Page 26 2.3 That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Supporting documents: