Agenda item

17/04330/FUL 360 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6AL

Demolition of existing light industrial buildings; erection of 2 three storey building comprising 2 two bedroom and 2 one bedroom flats; 4 two storey two bedroom houses and 1 single storey two bedroom house; provision of associated parking.


Ward: Croham


Recommendation: Refuse permission


Demolition of existing light industrial buildings; erection of 2 three storey building comprising 2 two bedroom and 2 one bedroom flats; 4 two storey two bedroom houses and 1 single storey two bedroom house; provision of associated parking.


Ward: Croham


Following the officers’ presentation, Committee Members sought confirmation that the light industrial buildings proposed for demolition were in use and clarification as to the how the marketing of the buildings had taken place. Officers confirmed that the site was fully occupied and that it was a requirement for employment sites to be marketed for 18months before consideration would be given to release the land for residential use. It was the officers view that the site was marketed a too high a value and details were not provided as to who had responded to the marketing. Officers further stated that if the site was over 500sqm then prior approval could not be applied.


Katherine Lloyd, speaking in objection, raised the following points:

·         The local community were strongly opposed to the scheme

·         No consultation with residents had taken place

·         Felt to be fundamentally detrimental to local community

·         Churchill Road was at capacity for parking and there were road safety concerns. The scheme would increase the parking stress experienced in the area

·         The access from Churchill Road was not wide enough and would not enable access for emergencies vehicles

·         The light industrial buildings were mainly one and two storey buildings and the proposed housing would be taller with windows overlooking neighbouring properties

·         Would not be a pleasant area for the new residents

·         Building design was out of character for local area

·         Concerns regarding the marketing of the site


James Munroe spoke on behalf of the applicant and made the following points:

  • The scheme would be a valuable contribution to the community
  • Would provide new housing in the area
  • The business currently occupying the site was in the process of being wound down
  • The site was being maintained to avoid issues such as squatting
  • The only interest received during the marketing of the site was from commercial developers who sought to change the site to housing
  • There would be a net benefit to residents as there would be fewer car movements associated with the site
  • The proposed materials would connect the development to its previous industrial usage
  • The scale and massing of the proposal was appropriate to the site
  • The units would comply with size requirements
  • Parking, fire safety and access had been assessed


Councillor Maria Gatland, speaking in objection as Ward Member, raised the following points:

·         The site was a back land industrial site and would create a constrained development

·         Housing was welcome, however there would be no family units or affordable housing provided

·         Detrimental impact on the amenity of residents

·         The design of the buildings were no in keeping with the character of the area

·         Vehicle movements would increase which would exacerbate issues already experienced on Churchill Road

·         The site was in a flood zone and objections had been received from the Environment Agency and the flood risk authority

·         Concerns in regards to the marketing undertaken and the need for light industrial sites in the area to provide local employment

·         Overdevelopment of the site


Members stated that it was important to maintain jobs in the local area and that the scheme was not in keeping with the local area. Concerns were further raised in regards to flood risk and highways safety.


Some Members stated that a future innovative scheme on the site could be appropriate but the size and massing of the current scheme was too great and there was not sufficient amenity space for potential residents.


After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Jason Perry proposed and Councillor Paul Scott seconded the officer's recommendation, and the Committee voted unanimously in favour, so planning permission was REFUSED for development at 360 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6AL.


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