Agenda item

17/05264/FUL 32-34 Fairview Road, Norbury, SW16 5PT

Demolition of existing garage and storage units on site, and the construction of a part two/part three/part four storey mixed use development consisting of 9 flats (1 x one bedroom, 7 x two bedroom and 1 x three bedroom) and x 1 commercial unit (B1(b),B1(c) and B2) with ancillary works to facilitate the proposal.


Ward: Norbury


Recommendation: Grant permission


Demolition of existing garage and storage units on site, and the construction of a part two/part three/part four storey mixed use development consisting of 9 flats (1x one bedroom, 7x two bedroom and 1x three bedroom) and x1 commercial unit (B1(b), B1(c) and B2) with ancillary works to facilitate the proposal.


Ward: Norbury


Councillor Shafi Khan recused himself of sitting on the Committee during the consideration of this item due to speaking in objection on behalf of residents.


Following the officers’ presentation, Committee Members asked questions on whether access to the health centre would be impeded and were informed that at present there were a number of vehicles parked on the site, however the scheme would provide one parking space only and there would be a condition to restrict residents from applying for a parking permit. The scheme would return the footway and highway to public highway which should improve access to the health centre. A condition would also be put in place for a Construction Logistics Plan to be agreed to ensure the disruption to the doctor’s surgery was kept to a minimum, and this would be enforced.


In response to Member questions officers confirmed that the buildings were not in a conservation area and were neither locally listed, or proposed to be listed. Officers stated that should the commercial unit be proposed to be of B2 usage then full details would be required to be submitted before operation began.


James Cross and Sean Creighton, speaking in objection, raised the following points:

·         There were 8,000 registered patients at the medical centre which required accessible access to the centre

·         The road was narrow

·         The developers had not consulted the surgery and there were concerns in regards to the impact and safety of patients

·         A number vehicles needed access to the surgery and construction would limit this

·         The development could bring into question the viability of the surgery

·         Large development on a tight site which was badly designed

·         The size of the proposed units was not appropriate and would not provide appropriate family housing

·         The application should be deferred to enable consideration of the possible expansion of the surgery


Councillor Shafi Khan, on behalf of Councillor Maggie Mansell, speaking in objection as Ward Member, raised the following points:

·         Previous permissions had been for three flats only

·         Constrained site

·         Concerns whether the units would be of sufficient size

·         Appreciate the need for housing but inappropriate scheme

·         Lack of amenity space

·         Close to the railways line which would impact upon the lives of residents

·         Impact of the construction on the patients of the neighbouring health centre and access to the site.

·         Increased pressure on parking in the local area

·         Concerns regarding the future viability of the medical centre


The Head of Development Management informed the Committee that prior approval had been given for three flats in one building and three in another, however the quality of the units could be far less under prior approval as there was less control of the application. Construction logistics would be carefully monitored to ensure that the medical practice maintained freedom of access, and the Head of Development Management assured the Committee that officers would speak with the applicant to ensure that they spoke to the surgery. He further stated that following construction there would likely be greater access to the medical centre as there would be greater control of the highway as there would no longer be parking from the garage.


The Members expressed concern that the medical centre had not been consulted, and while there was a need for housing it was important that developers worked with the local community. The construction logistics plan was noted as being an important aspect of the application to mitigate the impact on the medical centre.


Some Members stated that it was a shame that the buildings would be lost and suggested the matter should be reconsidered as it was overdevelopment and would seriously impact on the existing medical centre. It was further stated that the amenity of current and future occupiers would be negatively impacted.


Other Members noted that it was a constrained site, but there was a possibility that permission could be granted under prior approval for a lower quality development with conditions on restricting parking permits for future residents. While it was noted that the site was near a railway line, it was acknowledged that a number of home were near railways and did not benefit from modern construction methods that minimised disruption.


Members stressed the importance of consultation with the medical centre, in particular in regards to the construction plan to ensure access was maintained throughout construction. Concerns were raised regarding the possible future use of the commercial unit and proposed that the B2 usage be removed.


After consideration of the officer's report, Councillor Chris Wright proposed and Councillor Jason Perry seconded a motion for REFUSAL, on the grounds of; overdevelopment in relation to the scale, size and massing, the quality of design, and the amenities of future occupiers and existing occupiers; and the Committee voted 4 in favour, 4 against. The Chair used their casting vote and voted against so this motion thereby fell.


The Committee then voted on a second motion proposed by Councillor Paul Scott and seconded by Councillor Humayun Kabir for the officer’s recommendation with the proposed B2 category being removed from the description of development, for APPROVAL, and the Committee voted 4 in favour, 4 against. The Chair used their casting vote and voted in favour so planning permission was GRANTED for development at 32-34 Fairview Road, Norbury, SW16 5PT.


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