Agenda item

17/05999/PRE Crystal Palace Football Club, Whitehorse Lane, South Norwood

Alterations and extensions to the existing stadium, and in particular to increase seating capacity of the Main Stand by 8,000 additional seats and increase internal floor space beneath the stand by 20,000sqm.


Ward: Selhurst


Presentation of a pre-application scheme for alterations and extensions to the existing stadium, and in particular to increase seating capacity of the Main Stand by 8,000 additional seats and increase internal floor space beneath the stand by 20,000sqm.


Ward: Selhurst


Luke Raistrick, Nick Marshall and Greg Ricketts attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised during the discussion were as follows:

·         Members asked whether the application would be accompanied by a Travel Plan, and the Applicant confirmed this would be the case.

·         In response to a question from members about how impacts from additional fans travelling to game would be mitigated, the Applicant advised that the plan was for more people to arrive early, reducing the ‘peak’ impact.

·         In answer to a question about then potential for the new stadium to divert trade from existing businesses, the agent explained that the hospitality provided in the stadium is a very different offer, and as such there would be no competition.

·         Members noted that foot paths get packed with people on match day, with pedestrians spilling on road, concern was raised that with another 8,000, the situation will worsen.  Members asked what plans would be put in place to make a safe environment for fans leaving games.  The Applicant explained that the situation is the same as experienced at all football grounds and that thought was being given to how to improve the situation.

·         Members requested that management and measures to improve pedestrian safety when leaving games come in with the application.

·         Members expressed support for the Club and its aspirations but wanted to ensure the capacity increase would be safely managed.

·         Members raised concern that the scheme was not ready, and that the pre-application seemed rushed.  Concern was raised that there was not a plan for replacing housing, and requested more detail on proposals.  In response the Applicant advised that the Club will with LB Croydon to rehouse tenants and that they were also talking to developers to Identify schemes where the replacement housing could be delivered.

·         Members noted that replacement housing proposals should form part of application:  The Applicant advised that the Club had Public statements made to rehouse tenants, and will set out options for rehousing tenants and providing replacement housing in the application. 

·         Members noted that tenants may need to be rehoused locally, and that it would be important to look at and meet needs.

·         Members asked what the Club would do if tenants didn’t want to move.  In response the Applicant advised they would of course work with Croydon to understand the issues, and understood that the matter was very sensitive and rehousing proposals would come in with the application.

·         Members asked if the Stand expansion could be done in a way that avoids the loss of housing.  In response the Applicant advised that this had been explored, but it wasn’t possible, and that this would be explained in the application submission.

·         Members asked, given the imminent lodgement date, if there would be time take issues raised in consultation into account.  The Applicant advised that issues would be taken into account, and by way of example issues raised in the public consultation include parking stress and litter.  These matters were being taken, parking controls will need to be put in place.  Litter management plan e.g. more bins and clearing up after games would form part of the application proposals.

·         In relation to what would happen in terms of on non-match day use, the Applicant advised that the Palace Foundation will be based in the stand, and that there will be some community facility included such as a local gym, or a restaurant.

·         In response to a query about what the wider regeneration benefits would be the Applicant confirmed that there would be additional jobs and that the Club would sign up to being a good employer and confirmed they would pay London Living Wage.  The Committee welcomed the commitment to sign up to the good employer charter and commit to the London Living Wage for staff.

·         Members asked if public realm enhancements beyond the ground would be undertaken and in response the Applicant advised that there way finding beyond would be implemented but otherwise no.

·         Members felt that public realm enhancements beyond the ground should be undertaken as part of the scheme.

·         Members welcomed the investment and felt it was very important the new stand enhances wider area, setting a bench mark for future expansion.

·         Member noted that the best view of the main façade would be from the car park and as such a Piazza/area for fans to congregate in front of the façade would be a good step forward.

·         Members felt that a master plan would help on into the future.  In response the Applicant advised that plan were limited to the Main Stand expansion which is in need of refurbishment and improvement.

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