Agenda item

17/05701/FUL Shirley High School, Shirley Church Road, CR0 5EF

Erection of 12 no. 10m high floodlight columns to illuminate existing netball courts.


Ward: Heathfield

Recommendation: Grant permission


Erection of 12 no. 10m high floodlight columns to illuminate existing netball courts.


Ward: Heathfield



Following the officers’ presentation, Committee Members asked for further detail on the proposed lights to be used in the development. The conditions of use were also clarified and the Committee were informed that an impact assessment after 12 months would be carried out and points were made as to the nature and methodology of such an assessment.


Jack Iacovou, speaking against the application, made the following points:

·         There would be significant light spillage onto the properties nearest the courts.

·         The courts were positioned very close to neighbouring properties.

·         Guidelines on light levels were being ignored in the application.

·         There were underused courts in other parts of the boroughs that could host the demand for venues.

·         The extended hours would also create a noise nuisance to neighbouring properties, particularly at weekends.



Jackie Rowlands, speaking in favour of the application, made the following points:

·         The netball courts had been in existence on the site since the 1960s and prior to the construction of the housing development.

·         There had been discussions with local residents prior to the application being submitted.

·         The courts hosted busy and popular leagues in the winter and summer seasons, with both adult and child competitions.

·         The use of the courts promoted health and fitness to young people.



Councillor Stranack, speaking against the application as substitute for the referring Ward Member Councillor Margaret Mead, made the following points:

·         School facilities were important but must be located in appropriate places. The application would place floodlights six metres.

·         There were schools within a mile of the site which were underused and could accommodate the demand for courts.

·         An appropriate compromise would be weekday use of the lights from 9am until 6pm.

·         Concern was raised over the impact of the floodlighting on wildlife in the area.


The Head of Development Management responded with the following points:

·         Neighbouring properties had large gardens and any potential light spillage would only affect the rear of these gardens. As the gardens were unlikely to be used during evenings in the winter months any light spillage would be unlikely to affect the amenity or use of that part of the properties.

·         The management plan of the site could include how the courts are used, such as prioritising the use of courts furthest away from the properties to limit the impact.




Councillor Wright moved a motion for refusal on the grounds of loss of amenity to local residents, primarily caused by light spillage from the floodlights.


Councillor Scott moved for approval with an additional condition that the floodlights servicing the three courts nearest the residential properties be shut off by 8pm on weekdays. Councillor Perry seconded the motion.


The motion for approval with the additional condition was put to the vote and was carried with nine Members voting in favour and one Member voting against.


The Committee thus RESOLVED to grant the application at Shirley High School, Shirley Church Road, CR0 5EF with the following additional condition attached:

·         The time of usage on weekdays for the three courts nearest the residential properties are 9am to 8pm.


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