Agenda item

18/05930/FUL - 2 Vincent Road, Croydon, CR0

Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 3 storey building comprising 7 flats with associated amenity space, refuse and cycle storage and other associated alterations.


Ward: Addiscombe West

Recommendation: Grant permission


Wayne Spencer, Senior Planning Officer (Planning and Sustainable Regeneration), explained to members that this application was returning to committee for the third time since it was first considered in 2019, when it had been referred to committee over design amendments, which had since been carried out. Officers explained that the main differences to the design were that the cycle and refuse storage spaces had been increased and that the front door had been relocated slightly north of the centre of the building.


In response to questions from members officers clarified that:


·       The proposal comprised one 3-bedroom unit for five persons, two 2-bedroom units for four persons, two 2-bedroom units for three persons, and two 1-bedroom units for 2 persons;

·       A pre-commencement condition regarding construction could be included as part of the permission should it be granted; and,

·       There was internal bin storage only.


Members heard one representation on behalf of the applicant, which stated that neighbours had been engaged on the proposal, which was evidenced by the letters of support, and that the delay in agreeing the Section 106 legal agreement, which had caused delays to the project, had been due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


The clerk then read out a statement from Councillor Sean Fitzsimons, which stated his previous objection was to be withdrawn, and that he supported this development as it provided much-needed high quality housing.


Members then deliberated, stating that they felt persuaded that the scheme had been made compliant with the London Plan since its initial consideration, and that it was a well-designed scheme that met housing need.


Councillor Parker MOVED the recommendation which was SECONDED by Councillor Shortland. The Chair put the motion to the vote and the committee RESOLVED, unanimously, to:


1.     GRANT planning permission;

2.     That the Director of Planning Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to issue the planning permission subject to:

A. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations:

a) Precluding future residents of the development from obtaining parking permits
b) £3,750 sustainable transport contribution (towards car clubs and EVCPs)
c) Monitoring Fee
d) Any other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration

3.     That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to negotiate the legal agreement indicated above

4.     That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informative to secure the following matters:


1) Commencement time limit of 3 years
2) Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and reports except where specified by conditions
3) Submission of Construction Logistics Plan (CLP)
4) Samples of external materials to be submitted
6) Details of boundary treatments/private amenity space division
7) Details of site specific SUDs to be submitted
8) Obscure glazed/non-opening window above ground floor serving Flats 5 and 7 in North East elevation of building
9) No additional windows above ground floor in NE elevation of building
10) Implementation of waste/recycling facilities prior to occupation of units
11) Implementation of cycle parking facilities prior to occupation of units
12) Ground floor units to be built to Building Regulations Part M(4)3 (for Unit 1) and M4(2) (for Unit 2) standard
13) Requirement for 19% Carbon reduction and 110 litre water usage (sustainability)
14) In accordance with the Fire Strategy
15) Any other planning condition(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport



1) Community Infrastructure Levy
2) Highway/Crossover Works
3) Compliance with Building/Fire Regulations
4) Any other informative(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport

5.     That, if by 09 May 2023, the legal agreement has not been completed, the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to refuse planning permission.


Supporting documents: