Agenda item

22/02663/PRE - 1-5 Lansdowne Road and Voyager House, 30-32 Wellesley Road Croydon, CR0 2BX

To demolish the existing buildings and erect a development to provide 783 residential units (Use Class C3, as build to rent), 1,667sqm office space, internal and external amenity space, together with associated wheelchair accessible vehicle parking, cycle parking, landscaping, play areas and works.


Ward: Fairfield


To demolish the existing buildings and erect a development to provide 783 residential units (Use Class C3, as build to rent), 1,667sqm office space, internal and external amenity space, together with associated wheelchair accessible vehicle parking, cycle parking, landscaping, play areas and works.


Ward: Fairfield


Dimitri Tsompanidis and Richard Foxley attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


Principle of Development


·        There was concern over right place for the highest element of the proposed development. There was some support for this to be located on the Wellesley Road frontage whilst other members felt as though it should be placed further along Lansdowne Road.

·        There were concerns over the heights of the proposed development.

·        There was come support expressed for tall buildings in relation to housing.

Design, Townscape and Heritage


  • The massing of the proposed development was better than the extant scheme.
  • There were comments about being too tall and close together and heritage impacts.
  • There needs to be more reassurance over wind mitigation.

Impact on Adjoining Occupiers Living Conditions


·        Members sought clarity on whether there would be public access to the building and there was a request for a public access strategy to be provided.

·        There was concern was expressed at the lack of play space for older children and a request that this was looked into in more detail.

·        There was concern about whether the loading bay was in the right direction and whether this would impact on the public square.

Mix and Quality of Accommodation Provided


·        Members queried whether the units were bigger in size as there was not any balcony space provided.

·        Members queried whether there was the possibility for residents to make slight changes to their units.

·        Members sought clarity on whether utility bills would be separated from the rent charges.



The design approach and elevational detail including materiality of both buildings


·        Members stressed the importance of the quality of the materials used to construct the building on the facades.

·        The provision of public art was encouraged.

·        Members asked the developer to consider how the facades would look in all weather conditions.

·        There was a desire for the buildings appearance to reflect the heritage of the site and its surroundings.

·        There was a request for the preservation of the existing mosaics at voyager house.

·        There was preference for modular construction due to its lower carbon impact.

The 15% affordable housing provision


·        Members asked for a need for a greater understanding of how the development would meet the needs of Croydon residents and how affordable housing could be maximised on the site.

·        There was concern about the loss of employment floorspace.

·        There was also a request for members to see the employment loss information.

·        There was a request for the committee chair, vice chair and deputy chair to be invited to the next PRP session.

Potential impacts on neighbouring residential amenities in terms of light, outlook and privacy


·        There was a need to consider privacy issues across the site and the two surrounding buildings.

·        There was a need to consider noise issues in relation to Wellesley Road.

The importance of microclimate, urban greening, trees, biodiversity and sustainable drainage


·        Members sought assurance over wind mitigation and how the developer aimed to avoid the creation of a wind tunnel around the site.

·        Members asked the developer to further consider the impact of air pollution in the local area.

·        There was a desire to see more tree planting around the site.

·        There was a desire to exceed the required urban greening factor.

·        There was a preference for modular construction due to less carbon impact.

·        There was a request for future naming to reflect local heritage.

·        There was a request to take into account Historic England’s guidance on tall buildings.

·        There was a request to link with other site- to include master-planning.


Supporting documents: