Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 4 x 4 bed dwellings and 2 x 4 bed detached dwellings with associated car parking provision, cycle storage, refuse storage and landscaping and demolition of existing dwelling.
Ward: Coulsdon Town
Recommendation: Grant permission
Officers presented the application to members and responded to members’ questions as follows:
· That a swept-path analysis had demonstrated that cars parked in the properties to the rear of the development would not have to reverse out of the carpark to exit it;
· That the access path to the properties could be delineated to provide a pedestrian area;
· That the distance between the properties and the neighbouring properties was policy-compliant at between 18-22 metres;
· That the proposal was design-led and comprised a number of large family houses.
The committee then heard representations from Richard Walker and Councillor Luke Shortland, who objected to the proposals for the following reasons:
· The site would be inaccessible as the proposal required the removal of a hedge that did not belong to the site;
· There would be damage to the biodiversity of the site;
· The development would cause overlooking of neighbouring properties and would be overbearing;
· That the buildings would cause loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties and that it was out of keeping with the character of the area.
In response to issues raised, officers responded that three ecology reports had been done and that the external specialists who were consulted had not raised any objections to the application based on loss of biodiversity. Officers also responded that there was no evidence to suggest that the boundaries had been incorrectly marked.
After deliberation Councillor Sean Fitzsimons moved the officers’ recommendation to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Mohammed Islam, put to the vote and:
RESOLVED, unanimously:
2.1 That the Committee resolves to GRANT planning permissions
That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is
delighted authority to issue the planning permission subject
A. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the
following planning obligations:
1. Sustainable transport contribution of £9,000
2. S.278 and/or S.38 agreement to secure highways works
3. Monitoring fee
4. Payment of the Council’s reasonable legal costs
5. Any other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration
2.3 That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to negotiate the legal agreement indicated above.
2.4 That the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the following matters:
1. Commencement time limit of 3 years
2. Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and Reports
Prior to above ground works
3. Submission of materials and design details
4. Pre-occupation Wildlife sensitive lighting design scheme
5. Development in accordance with accessible home requirement M4(3) and M4(2)
6. Submission of external energy plant details including PV panels and air source heat pumps
7. Details of bin and bike store layout
8. Details of
finished floor levels and retaining walls
9. Obscure glazing on flank windows above ground floor lebel
10.Compliane with SUDS details
11.Compliance with Delivery and Servicing Details
12.Compliance with Arboricultural Assessment and Tree Protection Plan
13.Compliance with Ecological Appraisal recommendations, including measures to protect birds, bats, hedgehogs and slow worms
14.Compliance with Fire Statement
15.Compliance with Construction Logistics Plan
16.Implementation of car parking ass hsown on plans with no boundary treatments above 0.6m in the sightlines
17.Installation of at least 20% EVCPs
18.Water use target of 110/p/d
19.Removal of Permitted Development Rights
20.Any other planning condition(s) considered necessary by the
Director of Planning and Strategic Transport
1. Granted subject to a Section 106 Agreement
2. Community Infrastructure Levy
3. Code of practice for Construction Sites
4. Highways informative in relation to s278 works required
5. Compliance with Building/Fire Regulations
6. Construction Logistics Informative
7. Refuse and cycle storage Informative
8. Any other
informative(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and
Strategic Transport
2.5 That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2.6 That, if by 3 months from the date of the committee meeting, the legal agreement has not been completed, the Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration is delegate authority to refuse planning permission.
Supporting documents: