Agenda item

Regina Road Project – Outcome of Ballot and Next Steps




1.1.         To consider the outcome of the Ballot (“Are you in favour of the proposal to demolish and rebuild homes as shown within the red line boundary on the Regina Road estate) in which the majority of eligible residents voted “Yes” as detailed at Section 4 of this report.


1.2.         Subject to statutory processes for obtaining suitable Planning Permissions and other relevant permissions/ consents for the purposes of the project and having due regard to the equalities considerations, the financial and legal implications and risks set out within the report:


1.2.1     To agree the demolition of the three towers and immediate surrounding area included within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer;


1.2.2     To confirm and approve the Landlord Offer in Appendix A;


1.2.3     To approve the project to deliver in phases 200 new social rented homes on the Regina Road Estate.  In addition, up to 25 replacement homes (to include the option of shared equity) for eligible existing leaseholders/freeholders within the red line area.


1.3.         In accordance with the Landlord Offer, approve the commencement of acquisition of freehold/ leasehold interests on the properties within the red line area via negotiation in the first instance and under terms that would apply pursuant to a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).


1.4.         Delegate authority for the approval of compensation packages for the acquisition of individual freehold/leasehold interests to the Corporate Director of Housing in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer.


1.5.         To authorise preparation in due course of a Compulsory Purchase Order to cover all properties within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer.


1.6.         For the reasons set out in section 4, to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing to agree whether or not homes within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer are considered to be obsolete in accordance with the definition used by the Greater London Authority in their Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide.


1.7.         To approve the continued rehousing of all secure tenants remaining in the properties within the red line area to enable vacant possession of the blocks in accordance with the Landlord Offer in order that the delivery of the proposed redevelopment of the Regina Road Estate can proceed, including, if necessary, by way of service of the requisite statutory notice seeking possession from secure tenants under Ground 10 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985.


1.8.         To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes, to serve demolition notices under the Housing Act 1985, as amended, in order to suspend qualifying tenants from exercising their Right to Buy (RTB) for a period of up to 5 years from the date of service. Further, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, to settle any claims pursuant to the service of such notices.


1.9.         To note the following actions to provide early decant capacity for residents:


(i)              Allocation of the 12 new homes at Trellis Mews to residents of nos 1-87 Regina Road wherever possible, according to their Housing Need.


(ii)             Subject to internal governance processes, purchase up to 50 homes suitable for rehousing sufficient residents on a temporary or permanent basis, according to Housing Need.


(iii)           To ensure nos 1-87 Regina Road and other properties within the red line area are emptied as may be necessary as detailed design progresses through ongoing design engagement with Croydon Local Planning Authority, with the financial implications to be addressed via the Housing Investment Plan.


(iv)           Subject to internal governance processes, build up to 9 new build homes at Malton House as part of Phase 1 social rent/shared equity homes at Regina Road


1.10.     To authorise officers to apply to the Greater London Authority for Investment Partner Status, and for funding towards new homes, both social rented and shared equity, to be built to rehouse existing residents in phases at Regina Road and Malton House in accordance with the Landlord Offer in Appendix A.


1.11.     To authorise the Corporate Director of Housing to apply to the Local Planning Authority for all the necessary Planning Permissions and other statutory consents for the demolition of all properties within the red line area and for the rebuilding on a phased basis within the context of an indicative Masterplan for the area within the red line in the Landlord Offer in Appendix A.


The Executive Mayor introduced the Regina Road Project – Outcome of Ballot and Next Steps report which resulted in a resounding “yes” vote to proceed with the council’s Landlord Offer (as agreed by Cabinet on 22 March 2023). The Landlord Offer proposed the demolition and redevelopment of the three aging towers and properties in the immediate surrounding area within the red line boundary on the Regina Road Estate.


Mr Leon Mcleod, a resident and part of the working group shared with Cabinet his perspective on the Regina Road project to date, which was transparent and slowing improving.


The Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Lynne Hale thanked the residents of Regina Road who participated in the ballots and shared with Cabinet that the report set out the next steps for rebuilding the area, following the approval of the Landlord Offer. On-going conversations with residents also played a key role in the progress of the rebuild.


The Corporate Director for Housing, Susmita Sen, addressed Cabinet of the amendment to the recommendation in the report to paragraph 2.2.3 (recommendation 1.2.3 below), which was noted.


The Shadow Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Chrishni Reshekaron welcomed the Regina report project and thanked the project lead and staff for all their work.


The Executive Mayor in Cabinet RESOLVED:


1.1.        To consider the outcome of the Ballot (“Are you in favour of the proposal to demolish and rebuild homes as shown within the red line boundary on the Regina Road estate) in which the majority of eligible residents voted “Yes” as detailed at Section 4 of this report.


1.2.       Subject to statutory processes for obtaining suitable Planning Permissions and other relevant permissions/ consents for the purposes of the project and having due regard to the equalities considerations, the financial and legal implications and risks set out within the report:


1.2.1     To agree the demolition of the three towers and immediate surrounding area included within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer;


1.2.2     To confirm and approve the Landlord Offer in Appendix A;


1.2.3    To approve the project to deliver in phases 200 new social rented homes on the Regina Road Estate.  In addition, up to 25 replacement homes (to include the option of shared equity) for eligible existing leaseholders/freeholders within the red line area.


1.3.        In accordance with the Landlord Offer, approve the commencement of acquisition of freehold/ leasehold interests on the properties within the red line area via negotiation in the first instance and under terms that would apply pursuant to a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).


1.4.       Delegate authority for the approval of compensation packages for the acquisition of individual freehold/leasehold interests to the Corporate Director of Housing in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer.


1.5.       To authorise preparation in due course of a Compulsory Purchase Order to cover all properties within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer.


1.6.        For the reasons set out in section 4, to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing to agree whether or not homes within the red line shown in the Landlord Offer are considered to be obsolete in accordance with the definition used by the Greater London Authority in their Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide.


1.7.       To approve the continued rehousing of all secure tenants remaining in the properties within the red line area to enable vacant possession of the blocks in accordance with the Landlord Offer in order that the delivery of the proposed redevelopment of the Regina Road Estate can proceed, including, if necessary, by way of service of the requisite statutory notice seeking possession from secure tenants under Ground 10 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985.


1.8.       To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes, to serve demolition notices under the Housing Act 1985, as amended, in order to suspend qualifying tenants from exercising their Right to Buy (RTB) for a period of up to 5 years from the date of service. Further, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, to settle any claims pursuant to the service of such notices.


1.9.       To note the following actions to provide early decant capacity for residents:


(i)            Allocation of the 12 new homes at Trellis Mews to residents of nos 1-87 Regina Road wherever possible, according to their Housing Need.


(ii)           Subject to internal governance processes, purchase up to 50 homes suitable for rehousing sufficient residents on a temporary or permanent basis, according to Housing Need.


(iii)         To ensure nos 1-87 Regina Road and other properties within the red line area are emptied as may be necessary as detailed design progresses through ongoing design engagement with Croydon Local Planning Authority, with the financial implications to be addressed via the Housing Investment Plan.


(iv)         Subject to internal governance processes, build up to 9 new build homes at Malton House as part of Phase 1 social rent/shared equity homes at Regina Road


1.10.     To authorise officers to apply to the Greater London Authority for Investment Partner Status, and for funding towards new homes, both social rented and shared equity, to be built to rehouse existing residents in phases at Regina Road and Malton House in accordance with the Landlord Offer in Appendix A.


1.11.    To authorise the Corporate Director of Housing to apply to the Local Planning Authority for all the necessary Planning Permissions and other statutory consents for the demolition of all properties within the red line area and for the rebuilding on a phased basis within the context of an indicative Masterplan for the area within the red line in the Landlord Offer in Appendix A.

Supporting documents: