Demolition of the existing
buildings and erection of 4 buildings of 5-13 storeys to provide a
leisure centre, commercial unit, approximately 246 age-restricted
and care units (Use Classes C2 and C3) with associated facilities,
public square and route through the site, and car park.
Ward: Purley and
Nicholas Alston and Tom
Banfield attended to give a presentation. They then responded to
Members’ questions and the issues raised for further
consideration[WT1] .
Councillor Dwesar addressed the
Committee with his view on the Pre-Application. The below gives a
- The proposed
development would provide a pool and leisure centre for the local
residents, and has the potential to revitalise the district
- This would create
more footfall in the local area as there would be more desirable
shops and cafes present. Support the inclusion of a public square,
route through the site, bistro and soft play.
- Many of the plans for
the proposed development were in line with the Purley strategic
- There were concerns
that one of the buildings, which would sit at 12 storeys, was too
high and was not policy compliant.
- There was a
suggestion that buildings C and D be separated as together they led
to greater massing.
- The parking proposed
was not acceptable, he recognised that the multi-storey car park
would need to be removed for the project to be viable. However, he
believed that 44 public car parking spaces and 34 parking spaces
for residents was not workable.
- He asked officers and
Polaska to provide more data on parking as the final plans would
need to be informed by evidence and more parking would need to be
- He wanted to see more
2- and 3-bedroom units and the inclusion of schemes for first time
buyers. Suggested some accommodation for younger
- He would also like
the developers to provide some garden space for
- The 246 units
proposed would place additional stress on the existing social care
and health infrastructure.
- Encouraged by the
initial concepts.
Councillor Ben Hassel joined the meeting at 6.40pm
- Members explained
that as the site was located near to a route into central London,
the parking spaces could potentially be occupied by commuters.
There was a concern that the developers had not considered the
number of people using the swimming pool who would also need
parking spaces.
- Members noted that
the developer had mentioned that there were four car parks in the
town centre and enquired where they were located and who had
ownership of them.
- Members felt as
though the proposed cycling enhancements did not offer much
encouragement. There was also a belief that cycle storage was an
issue as it was not ideal for bikes to be left outside.
- Members were
concerned whether there were any electrical charging points for
- Members asked if
there any scope to deal with an increased demand for
- Members stated that
the British rail carpark was under a current application and the
number of spaces may decrease which would put further strain on the
proposed car park.
- Members queried
whether the car parking survey had been shared with the Council
transport officers.
- Members suggested
that there is increased research on parking needs.
Retirement Community and Commercial
- A Member declared an
interest as he was a resident of Purely and a Councillor for
Coulsdon, as the Coulsdon residents would also benefit from the
introduction of the pool.
- Members asked whether
there was a case to be made to introduce a number of units that
were suitable for individuals under the age of 50.
- Members highlighted
that there was already a number of care homes in Purley and there
was concern on the impact of having an influx of older residents
would have on local transport services, medical services, public
social services etc.
- Members queried why
the developer chose to propose an Integrated Retirement Community
(IRC) rather than a more conventional residential development with
affordable housing or a build to rent scheme for
- Members enquired
about how the Council would assess the demand for this type of
development in the area and would adult social services be involved
to ensure that the demands were being met.
- Members also queried
about the process in which a resident could change the type of unit
they were living in as they aged and required more support from
carers. This also covered the finances and who gets
- Members stated that
they would have liked to see some family units included to create a
more diverse community for the residents.
- Members enquired
whether the introduction of an integrated care facility be
supported in Purley as there were already 35 care homes in the
local area.
- Members queried how
the need for a care facility would be considered.
- Members highlighted
that planning policy required more three-bedroom units to be
included on a development of this size than what had been proposed
and queried whether there would there be any intent to increase the
number of 2-bedroom homes and reduce the number of studio flats.
Suggested creating bigger units for intergenerational
- Members queried
whether there would be an increase in the number of dual aspect
- Members asked
developers to explain how natural daylight would reach the
- Members queried on
how easy would access be to the pool, for maintenance
- Members enquired
whether the leisure centre managed to incorporate gyms,
café, shops etc. to maximise income.
- Members queried the
use of the facility by schools and what spaces they would
- Members asked whether
the proposals for the pool were based on a brief provided by the
Council and did the brief have an underlying business plan and has
this been signed off by the Council corporately.
- Members queried where
coaches would be able to stop to drop school children off at the
site, and how large groups would be managed.
- Members suggested a
small communal area for kids within the leisure centre
- Members explained
that the Croydon Local Plan limited the height of developments
within Purley, and some felt as though 12 storeys was too high for
the development and hoped that there was some flexibility in the
scale of the development - noting the pool was needed in the local
- Members queried how
the public square would function in terms of use, how well would it
be overlooked in terms of active frontages and whether there would
be any private space for residents.
- Members suggested
making the public route clearer and to give consideration to
lighting. They also queried how accessible and legible the route
would be.
- Members encouraged
the developer to make the development exciting with clear public
and private spaces.
- Members raised that
the Place Review Panel stated that if the building was to remain at
12 storeys it would have to be of a high architectural quality and
enquired where developers saw their development in terms of
- Members queried
whether the height of the development would be better suited within
the middle of the site.
- Members suggested
that there was a small communal play area for children to
- Members asked whether
the developers could incorporate a water feature.
- There was concern
about the potential excessive shadows which would be caused by the
high-rise buildings in the proposed development, and a proper
sunlight assessment would need to be carried out.
- Members queried where
the two lifts would be located.
- Members enquired
about the colour palette being considered for the
- Members suggested the
servicing points be rationalised to minimise traffic and access
Affordable Housing
- Members queried
whether there were any discounted properties on the site for
residents who were less financially able to afford a
- Members queried how
important was it for the developers to make the scheme inclusive of
all residents with different financial capabilities.
- Members asked whether
the developer had any discussions with housing associations who
provide housing for the elderly and whether there had been any
discussions with the Greater London Authority (GLA) about the
availability of funding.
- Members queried
whether the developer would consider identifying partners who may
want to contribute to the funding of the pool. Members enquired
whether affordable housing would be provided off site, and wanted
to see further exploration of on or off-site affordable
- Some members stated
that if the developer did move away from an IRC development, then
they would like to see some first-time buyer initiatives
- Some members
emphasised the need for an affordable housing policy compliant
scheme, and how important is it for the developer to make the
scheme inclusive and mixed/balanced.
- Members highlighted
that the project would involve knocking down existing buildings
before building new developments which was not
- Members sought
reassurance that there was a low carbon energy scheme for the
development and that there would be a natural ventilation in the
sports areas and questioned how these issues had been factored into
the plans for the development.
- Members noted the
potential heating cost of the swimming pool, and suggested that the
energy source for the leisure centre should be separate to the
remainder of the development.
- [WT2] Members
enquired about the Councils corporate response to the proposed