1.1 To consider the outcome of the statutory consultation on the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath;
1.2 To note the strong support for the proposal with over 78% of respondents agreeing with the need for a PSPO in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath; Agenda Item 7
1.3 Having due regard to the outcome of the statutory consultation and in the light of the consideration of the equalities matters and the public sector equality duty detailed in this report to approve the making of the PSPO covering the geographical area in and around Thornton Heath for a term of three years and in accordance with the draft Order set out in Appendix D;
1.4 To approve the process for the implementation of the PSPO in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath.
The Executive Mayor introduced the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Croydon Thornton Heath report which also include the surrounding areas.
The report highlighted the support from residents with over 78% in agreement.
The Executive Mayor highlighted that as a result of the feedback provided by the Local Policing team, the PSPO footprint should be extended to include Thornton Heath Pond and the entirety of Grangewood Park. Ward Councillors were also consulted, and a petition was also received.
The Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Ola Kolade, addressed Cabinet highlighting that Thornton Heath was identified as an areas for crime and disorder and had been committed to the PSPO following consultation with the public and support from the Police.
The Police Inspector Ryan Holliday addressed Cabinet, highlighting their support for the PSPO in the Thornton Heath area which would bring positive outcome to residents residing within that area.
The Shadow Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Enid Mollyneaux, raised a question around the learning of the process as this was now the second PSPO in the borough, and asked what key learning could be taken forward following the responses from the consultation and organisations who responded on behalf of the public, further noting that a petition of residents voices was not included.
The Executive Mayor noted the key issues around data collection in the Thornton Heath Pond area which was not supported at the time, additionally following set procedures, the petition did not fit the criteria of the consultation, but to be reviewed in the future. The Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, Nick Hibberd, added that following reflection the service had ensured that the process had considered and captured the data in the geographical area, which the recommendations were amended to also include the Thornton Heath Pond and Grangewood Park area. It was acknowledged that a petition was also submitted though of a different nature to the data captured, and thus the consultation was enough to result to the conclusions within the recommendation.
The Opposition Leader, Councillor Stuart King, welcomed the outcome and recommendations within the report, and acknowledged that there was no reference of a signed petition for this consultation which drew concern for future petitions not added or referenced in consultations, additionally, the map in appendix six of the report, did not show the Thornton Heath Pond in the boundary of the new PSPO.
The Executive Mayor responded that the Thornton Heath Pond area was inclusive of the boundary. The Order did include Thornton Heath Pond and the map would be addressed accordingly. The Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, Nick Hibberd, added that the PSPO was a regulatory order, and it was important that data was present for sound analysis, to which the form was designed for.
The Executive Mayor in Cabinet RESOLVED:
1.1. To consider the outcome of the statutory consultation on the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath;
1.2. To note the strong support for the proposal with over 78% of respondents agreeing with the need for a PSPO in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath;
1.3. Having due regard to the outcome of the statutory consultation and in the light of the consideration of the equalities matters and the public sector equality duty detailed in this report to approve the making of the PSPO covering the geographical area in and around Thornton Heath for a term of three years and in accordance with the draft Order set out in Appendix D;
1.4. To approve the process for the implementation of the PSPO in and around the geographical area of Thornton Heath.
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