Agenda item

6.1 23/00872/FUL - Croydon Park Hotel, 7 Altyre Road, Croydon, CR9 5AA

Demolition of the existing buildings and retention of the existing basement, site preparation and enabling works to allow for the erection of a residential building (Use Class C3) comprising a maximum 447 homes with a maximum height of 36 storeys and community floorspace (Use Class F.1/F.2) on the ground floor, highways and access works, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and other associated works.


Ward: Addiscombe West

Recommendation: Grant permission


Demolition of the existing buildings and retention of the existing basement, site preparation and enabling works to allow for the erection of a residential building (Use Class C3) comprising a maximum 447 homes with a maximum height of 36 storeys and community floorspace (Use Class F.1/F.2) on the ground floor, highways and access works, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and other associated works.


Ward: Addiscombe West


The officer presented details of the planning application and in response to members’ questions explained that:


  • Officers identified potential wind condition issues around the north-western corner which was the main entrance to the community use. The Council engaged their own consultants to assess the wind impact of the scheme and as a result there was a canopy installed to help to disperse wind. There were also two screens that were proposed on the ground floor plan in the indicative landscape plan and that will help to disperse wind from travelling from south-west to north-east.
  • Officers were not aware of any intention form the applicant to purchase the neighbouring latitude and longitude housing blocks.
  • There was a planning obligation which would cost £10,892 for the improvements to off-site provision for children 12 and over.
  • The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule for residential within the Croydon opportunity area was at zero, this the Councils decision as part of its CIL charging schedule. Through the section 106 agreement there was a package of measures which mitigated the scheme. The Legal Agreement seeks a financial contribution of £491,000 towards to sustainable transport while  the wider highways team has undertaken a design review to make improvements to Barclay Road
  • The applicant had been approached regarding charging schedules. The community space was separated into two areas, the smaller area of 84 square metres would be made available for the community and local groups with a 50% reduction in price. The larger space of 120 square metres would also be offered to the community and local groups with a 50% reduction in price. There was no policy basis to ask for a reduction in the charges for the use of the community space. The applicant later confirmed that the premises will be available free of charge for the first 15 hours per week, the reduced charge would come into effect after 15 hours per week had been exhausted.
  • There was a delivery and servicing bay on Altyre road and there was sufficient space in the layby for the refuse vehicles to come and collect the waste. There was a ramp that went down towards the basement which will be provide access to the disabled bays and the smaller vehicle delivery and servicing.
  • The car parking spaces were in the basement and there were 13 blue badge spaces proposed. The development was close to East Croydon station and had the best Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) rating in the borough. The benefit of this development was that there was little to no loss of off-street parking as there was vehicular access on site as well as one space provided for the car club to the north within the location of the existing vehicular crossover into the existing public car parl.
  • The proposed development was complaint with Policy H11 which required build to rent schemes to offer discount market rent, as this was a build to rent scheme there was no social rent proposed.
  • The applicant had been asked to conduct a survey on the use of the existing car park and the results showed that the car park was not used very often. There were several other car parks in the area and officers were satisfied that the loss of the car park would not have a significant impact on the local community.
  • Officers advised members that it was likely that access to the basement would be controlled by a FOB access requirement for the car park to prevent public access.  Officers went on to advise that such details would be secured at the condition stage.
  • The GLA had not agreed with officers’ position in terms of viability and any resolution would be subject to stage 2 consultation with the Mayor of London.
  • Offices confirmed that there was no intermediate or discount rent waiting list, as advised by colleagues in the Housing team.  Officers advised that the legal agreement would include eligibility criterion for priority access for key workers. The annual household income was capped on DMR units at £60,000 per household.
  • The GLA gave their views during the stage 1 referral, all schemes when the resolution goes back to the mayor at stage two. Most schemes ran with the resolution that local authority have made. However, the GLA had the authority to disagree with the officers’ position and could offer either direct refusal on a particular ground or they could call in the application and effectively become the decision makers on the application.
  • There was a condition that would deal with the construction logistics which also dealt with noise. Officers had also looked to condition the noise report that was submitted as part of the application to safeguard the amenities of future residents as well.
  • There was a condition which required the applicant to provide details on the materials used in construction so that they could see how the design would appear.


Magnus Sorensen, Charley Howman and Penelope Channon spoke in objection to the application. Raj Kotecha, Andrew Brown, Jay Patel, Tom Donnachie, Simon Toplis and Laura Jenkinson spoke in support of the application and the ward Member Councillor Fitzsimons addressed the Committee with his view on the application. After the speakers had finished, the committee began the deliberation, during which they raised the following points:





  • The loss of the hotel was not appreciated.
  • The scheme was wholly built to rent, and it would have been preferred to see some freehold made available.
  • The loss of parking and employment was not ideal.
  • There were significant concerns about the colour of the palette of the development from some members however other members appreciated the contrast that the development would provide.
  • The development would provide 450 new homes in the local area.
  • There was an increase in the number of family units and community use.
  • The scheme would provide additional community spaces which was appreciated.
  • The offer for a partial to a full discount of the community space should be included in the section 106 agreement.
  • The development was considered too tall and would cause harm to the levels of daylight to some units on the site.
  • Residents in the latitude and longitude properties were struggling to sell their properties due to cladding and water pressure issues and the loss of daylight to these properties would further impact their value.
  • The developers could consider financial compensation for residents of the properties which would experience a loss of light.
  • The wind tunnel effect was highlighted as a concern and the development would only exacerbate the issue further.
  • The development possessed good quality homes and would help to regenerate the area.
  • The site was the right place for a large development.


The substantive motion to GRANT the application based on the officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Parker. This was seconded by Councillor Kabir.


The motion to grant the application was taken to a vote and carried with nine Members voting in favour and one Member voting against.  Officers advised members that this was a resolution to grant planning permission and would be subject to a Stage 2 consultation with the GLA.


The Committee RESOLVED to GRANT the application for the development at Croydon Park Hotel, 7 Altyre Road, Croydon, CR9 5AA.


Supporting documents: