Agenda item

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation Results




1.1.         To note the responses to the public consultation about the draft LFRMS, at appendices 3 & 4 to this report.


1.2.         To consider the amendments to the draft LFRMS and Action Plan as a result of those responses, as outlined at appendix 2 to this report.


1.3.         To approve adoption of the revised LFRMS and Action Plan, at appendix 1 to this report, as the final version to be published on the Council website.


The Executive Mayor introduced the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation Results report which contained amendments to the original report following public consultation, to ensure the council fulfilled responsibility effectively and sustainably. This included actions and measures that involved working with other risk management authorities, developers, infrastructure providers and community groups, and as a result, the Council would be able to facilitate collaboration on this issue.

The Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment, Councillor Scott Roche, informed Cabinet that the strategy focused on the local flood risks and must be aligned with the national strategy and consider local issues. Further, the report considered a series of objectives and measures that the council and other partners would need to address to reduce risk from flooding. The flood strategy as a whole would be reviewed again in 2028.

The Shadow Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, Councillor Chris Clark welcomed the updated strategy that outlined steps that would be taken to ensure new development did not exacerbate existing flood risks, and asked how confident was the council that the partners would engage seriously, and what could be done to encourage more proactivity.

The Executive Mayor responded that the process was encouraging more proactive work from all providers who had a duty within the borough. The work through the consultation had provided wider conversations with local risk management authorities where the council was moving towards a strategy that aimed to deliver results in the future.

The Executive Mayor in Cabinet RESOLVED:


1.1.        To note the responses to the public consultation about the draft LFRMS, at appendices 3 & 4 to this report.


1.2.        To consider the amendments to the draft LFRMS and Action Plan as a result of those responses, as outlined at appendix 2 to this report.


1.3.        To approve adoption of the revised LFRMS and Action Plan, at appendix 1 to this report, as the final version to be published on the Council website.

Supporting documents: