1.1 Consider the outcome from the consultation as per 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16 below and the equalities impact assessment.
1.2 To agree that the CLRS is updated to only support care leavers where Croydon is the Corporate Parent.
1.3 To agree that the CLRS is updated to include only care leavers where they are named as a liable party in line with the Council Tax hierarchy of liability, as per 4.16 below.
The Executive Mayor introduced the Review of Council Tax Care Leavers Relief Scheme which explored the council tax relief given to care leavers ages 18-24. The report further upheld the council’s commitment as corporate parent to Croydon’s own care experienced young people, to provide support in crucial times in their lives.
The Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Jason Cummings, shared with Cabinet of the changes within the report in relation to fairness and savings. The council would continue paying council tax to all Croydon care leavers as part of the support package offered, residing inside the borough and outside of borough where they would also have to pay council tax. The previous system also meant that the council had a responsibility to pay for care leavers that came into the borough from other boroughs, and this was a change that the council had made which would add savings and fairness. Another fairness change was where a care leaver was living in another property, but the principle paying council tax person was not a care leaver, the current system provided free council tax to anyone else residing in that property. The system has now shifted where the council would not offer free council tax relief to anyone that resided in the property. However, the report in paragraph 4.22, covered clarification in regard to foster care arrangements, which would also be under review on the allowance arrangements, and further for carers on the staying put arrangements to include support for council tax scheme so there was no disadvantage.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Maria Gatland, added that supporting care leavers in Croydon or placed outside Croydon had been a top priority and welcomed the continuation of the council tax support, additionally, the support made to foster carers.
The Shadow Opposition Leader, Councillor Stuart King, had a question relating to the corporate parenting principles set to seek the best outcomes for care leavers, and asked how had the council reconciled the requirement to remove council tax relief from households when there was no make-up of the 54 households, to know whether there was an impact or not.
The Executive Mayor responded that the council’s responsibility as corporate parents were to look after the care leavers of Croydon. The Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Jason Cummings added for clarification that in reviewing the 54 households this was in relation to a change in the automatic exclusion of the 100% council tax relief which did not preclude the use of the normal council tax support system when the financial assessment of the household council taxpayer was taken into account. The council also had a very good council tax support scheme supporting residents. Further, it was fair to review the impact, if any, this may bring in those households following this change. The Director of Finance, Alister Bannin, added that should a household be affected in paying their council tax they would have access to other council tax support mechanisms such as the main council tax support scheme, transitional fundings, or the council tax hardship funds to apply for. The Head of Payments, Revenues, Benefits & Debt, Catherine Black, added insight to the consultation, which was sent out to over 350 care leavers, further informing care leaving teams that a consultation had been launched, followed up on communications and had encouraged feedback to the consultation.
The Executive Mayor in Cabinet RESOLVED: To
1.1. Consider the outcome from the consultation as per 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16 below and the equalities impact assessment.
1.2. To agree that the CLRS is updated to only support care leavers where Croydon is the Corporate Parent.
1.3. To agree that the CLRS is updated to include only care leavers where they are named as a liable party in line with the Council Tax hierarchy of liability, as per 4.16 below.
Supporting documents: