Agenda item

Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

The report of Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) as requested from the last Panel meeting, is attached.


The Head of Virtual School spoke to the follow-up report which was a request from last Panel in relation to figures in detail.


Officers highlighted from the report that the service had a high percentage of care leavers not in education or training (NEET).

The service were working with people in post 16 to work with their pathway to take the journey and be successful.


The Panel discussed the report presented and raised various points.


The care leaver representative made comment that the young people needed to be supported in applying for jobs and not just apprenticeships. Further exploration on the route for care leavers should not just relate to apprenticeships as there were many young people who had experience and a qualification and they should be encouraged to fence away from apprenticeships. Care leavers should also be given the opportunity to apply and be treated like other applicants and not singled out, and more needed to be employed in the council. Officers noted that virtual school were reviewing the impact of possibly labelling care leavers and were working towards a better direction.


Panel Members queried on how achievable 85% was in training, as 11.5 of the 15% was seen as achievable. Officers informed that no target was set around this as virtual school wanted care leavers to be in some form of education training or employment. The target was achievable though there were some people who were not impacted, numbers was based on the aspiration.


Panel Members raised concern on the support for care leavers when young people attend university, especially around housing. Testimonies from previous care leavers had been advised to sell their belongings and give up their current home provided by housing. There was no reassurance that the young person would receive housing support upon their return from university. An EMPIRE member highlighted many friends had had stayed in London to not lose their homes, and many care leavers look for university within London and not outside London.


Further comments were raised that it was important to recognise the transition from key stage 4 to key stage 5, and from key stage 5 to further or higher education, and officers were working on how they could support children moving to post 16 and post 19 and reviewing the pathway, this was a collective responsibly.


Officers further shared that they were raising the attainment in children’s pathway to university without any hurdles or to further their education. Further there was clear commitment in the local offer for how the service could support young people in going to university. This relied on a case by case and the individual circumstances.


Panel Members noted that a lot of information around education and employment was not feedback to the young person or the foster carer which was something that needed to be addressed as there was a gap in communication. This included any information on what support young people were to expect when they go to university.


EMPIRE member noted that communication was important and support and promises should be adhered to and it should not end at the point to going to university, but should be supported throughout their time in university.


EMPIRE member also noted the 85% who were in education and doing well, and wondered about those who were not in education or doing an apprentice. Officers shared of their vision for children to be in education, employment and in training and that there was opportunity for young people beyond school; that it was also important that they were successful in what they do.


At 7pm, Councillor Maria Gatland left the Panel meeting.


ACTION – Following a low number in attendance at training, to make sure reminders where sent out for training.


ACTION – To check for a clear protocol around how we support children in university.


The Panel RESOLVED to note the report of Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training.

Supporting documents: