Issue - decisions

Brick by Brick Croydon Limited Pipeline Sites

19/06/2019 - Brick by Brick Croydon Limited Pipeline Sites

The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions.




1.    Approve the pipeline sites listed in Appendix A of the report to be disposed of to Brick by Brick Croydon Ltd (BBB) subject to terms and conditions being agreed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director (Resources) and the Director of Finance and s151 Officer acting in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Homes and Gateway Services and Finance and Resources and the scope of this delegation includes the decision as to whether the disposal of land is by freehold or by way of a long lease in line with the indicative terms set out in sections 3.5 to 3.7 of the report;


2.    Approve that the Council lend Brick by Brick Croydon Ltd funding to progress the development of the sites and that such funding will include funding for professional services, construction costs, acquisition of third party sites and working capital and that the Executive Director (Resources) and the Director of Finance and s151 Officer be given delegated authority to finalise and agree the terms of such lending acting in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources;


3.    Approve that where it is considered necessary by Officers  and subject to consideration of any objections received by third parties, that the sites listed in Appendix A of the report will be appropriated for planning purposes pursuant to the Council’s powers under s122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and/or s233 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or such other statutory powers as may be relevant and that the Executive Director (Resources) be given delegated authority to finalise and agree the terms of such appropriation acting in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources; and


4.    Note the governance and monitoring process set out in the report.