Issue details

Extension of Contract for the Echelon Partnering Services

The request for a key decision reference is in compliance with the Council’s Democratic Regulation for any services or works over £500,000 to be notified as a key decision.

This is to support the extension of contract to the Council’s existing Electrical and Mechanical PMI contract to  AJS Ltd Electrical for a second term of 36 months from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2025 for the delivery of key service in ensuring safety of residents and compliance with legislation and Council’s policy.


In line with the award of contract approved by award of contract to Echelon Consultancy Ltd, approved by CCB 1st June 2017 (Ref: CCB1244/17-18) and Cabinet on 4th August 2017 (Ref: 27.17.HRP) included an initial contract term of five years with the option to extend for a further three years for the second term, up to a maximum of 14 years of (5+3+3+1+1+1).


The scope of works comprises of planned/cyclical/ad-hoc electrical-based maintenance and improvements to housing education and social care buildings. The workstreams include:


i)                 Attending and supporting the quarterly Strategic Core Group Meetings for each of the

TPC related Contracts (Strategic Core Group is a term used to describe the meeting attended by those ultimately responsible for the contract and its strategic delivery e.g., Director and Head of Service level and contractor counterparts).


ii)                Supporting the Annual Open Book Audits and reviews (including provision of a

document to report on the findings and recommendations). This refers to those audits undertaken as set out in contractual documents aiming to review; identify efficiencies or savings and operation of the ‘open book’ pricing mechanism.


iii)                     Supporting the annual performance reviews and improvement plans


iv)              Facilitating the annual review of key documents including the KPI handbook to reflect

      e.g., changes to budgets and therefore programmes to be delivered, enhancement or 

      substitution of KPI targets or other key drivers for the year ahead.


 v) Facilitating performance reviews in advance of contract break periods to consider options relating to contract extensions or termination.

   vi) Additional Services

•Providing capacity to support the re-commissioning and procurement of contracts.

•Facilitation of workshops including with residents (including any provision of relevant  reports)

•Providing advice as and when required relation to Remedial Action Plans where performance may not be at the minimum acceptable level; End of year and or Open Book audits and reviews (including provision of relevant reports)

•Other necessary and relevant activities that may require the input of the Partnering Advisor.


In order to support the Council’s landlord responsibilities and enable the Council to continue to meet its statutory obligations over the next three years, and deliver priority planned maintenance and improvement works to its housing assets.



Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/07/2023

Financial Impact: Expenditure or savings of up to £5,000,000;

Decision due: Not before 10th Aug 2023 by Corporate Director of Housing

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Homes

Lead director: Corporate Director of Housing

Department: Housing Directorate

Contact: Kevin Hartshorn, Interim Head of Asset Planning & Capital Delivery Email: