Issue details

Training Service Provider - employees

As an organisation we continue to face significant financial challenges that require urgent action. The Mayor’s Business Plan and requirements identified through the Council’s People & Cultural Transformation Strategy (PCTS) drive the need to refocus and re-energise the entire workforce to provide better services for residents and customers.


To that end this report seeks approval to award 2 contracts for the provision of managed learning and development services. With one contract for a delivery partner and a contract for a strategic partner, delivering niche consulting expertise and capacity to support the Learning & Organisation Development function.


Delegated authority to Corporate Director of Resources (Section 151), Jane West, via September 27th Cabinet’s Annual Procurement Plan.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Financial Impact: Expenditure or savings of up to £5,000,000;

Decision due: Not before 18th Oct 2023 by Corporate Director of Resources (Section 151)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance

Lead director: Chief Executive

Department: Chief Executive's Office

Contact: Grace Addy, Head of Learning and Organisational Development Email: