The Regina Road re-development scheme is (as currently proposed) as £100m>£130m construction of 380 dwellings across 3 phases across 3 years of build, planned to commence on site in December 2024.
The scheme is both a housing priority as it replaces 3 1960s system built tower blocks and maisonettes all of which are unfit for habitation to be replaced by a vibrant, modern, well designed development of social, affordable rent and private homes.
A full-service architect is required to lead the scheme through detailed design, planning, and then into the construction phases.
The Public Contract Regulations 2015 together with the Council’s Standing Orders demand that a competitive procurement is undertaken to select the Architect (being an architectural practice). The procurement is being carried out using the South East Consortium Framework which has eight highly qualified, experienced and reputable firms on its award list.
A single firm will be selected by the final week of November and the competition assured – after which the team seek to an immediate award. This submission gives advance notice of that action to award and we, the team, would seek to prepare for the result of the competition and then revert with a detailed briefing at the end of November to seek to allow the architect to take up their role, and take over any existing design work in early December. This is therefore a briefing to allow forward notice of those decision papers coming forwards.
The rationale behind the urgency and effective advanced warning is that now that the team is staffed the sequencing of events needs to be accelerated in both (a) the timetable and start / hand over of site / demolition of the first tower block are to be accomplished by the 1st December 2024 deadline, and deadline (b) to achieve both value-for-money and design excellence the Architect (and the QS under a separate submission) need to be in place sooner than originally modeled in order to support the optimal competitive procurement of the Contractor.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: South Norwood;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/11/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Financial Impact: Expenditure or savings of up to £5,000,000;
Decision due: Not before 23rd Dec 2023 by Corporate Director of Housing
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Homes
Lead director: Corporate Director of Housing
Department: Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery Directorate
Contact: Robin Smith, Regina Road Programme Lead Email: