Issue details

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Emergency Temporary Accommodation

The Council spends between £11m and may potentially £27m annually (with inflation

and additional costs to meet demand) on ETA for vulnerable households who

approach the London Borough of Croydon. The Council has a statutory duty to

provide this ETA pursuant. Section 188, Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness

Reduction Act 2017.


This report seeks approval for using a DPS for the commissioning and procurement of Croydon’s ETA.


The DPS will ensure that the Council has a common framework in place for all

providers. This will enable the Council to more effectively ensure that all providers

comply with the terms of the contract and provide ETA that meets the standards

required by LB Croydon. It will also contribute towards Mid Term Financial Savings

(MTFS) of £250k over two years because of efficiencies in managing a centralised

DPS. This will result in reduced resource requirements in terms of officers’ time spent

on acquiring and more effective management of the accommodation for the benefit of

the occupying homeless household.



Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/03/2024

Decision due: Not before 17th Apr 2024 by Cabinet Member for Homes

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Homes

Lead director: Corporate Director of Housing

Department: Housing Directorate

Contact: Gareth Hall, Commissioner Housing - Lead Email: Email: